Friday 9 December 2016


Hand drawn drafts for digipak

These are the drafts for our digipak and album advertisement. The front cover of our digipak will feature our artist facing the camera however she will be looking into the distance, the back cover will have overlapping polaroid photos and will have the names of the 10 songs from the album as well as the name of the production company 'Caroline Records'. The CD will be made to look like a polaroid camera which then links with the back cover. For the rest of the panels we will have photos that relate to themes present in our music video, for example the swings we will try to make it look like the swing is moving by taking several shots from a variety of angles. We also use the wave projector machine again to produce the waves which again links in with our water theme. For the last panel it will be our artist standing by a bench alone, these all relate to our music video as it emphasises her being isolated. The name of our album is 'Exposure' this links in with the photography theme.

For our album advertisement we will have our artist standing frontwards, holding a polaroid camera. This links in with our digipak.  

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Second Draft.

This is the second draft of our music video. We were successful at filling in the gaps where we needed more footage and adding the black and white effect to the scenes where Robin is in the present day and by herself. We were also successful with adding other effects such as dissolves and fade out to smoothy transition between different scenes. We continued to think carefully about our mise en scene by thinking of what part of our locations to film at and what the artists are wearing, for example clothes like jeans and denim jackets that relate to the target audience. 

We were also given feedback on our second draft which commented on use of mise en scene. We included a split screen where Robin and her boyfriend are lip synching at different locations to symbolise how they are no longer together, however as this was our only split screen throughout the entire video we were told it would look random and we would either need more of it or to get rid of it. In the end we decided to create another superimposition which features more than once in our video. Another thing we needed to improve on was the clip reversal which needed to cut to the beat.

All these improvements needed to be done for our final deadline. 

Editing Session 8

For our eighth editing session we made some finishing touches to our music video by adding in our final location, the aquarium. These feature Robin alone as well as her with her boyfriend. We also added another cross fade so her boyfriend disappears which symbolises they are no longer together.

We also spent time making sure that there were no more gaps by adding in extra footage we hadn't used, so everything was ready by our second deadline. This was successful as we filmed at all our locations and we could finally fill up all the spaces.  

Sunday 4 December 2016

Editing Session 7

For the seventh editing session we experimented with a technique referred to as 'speedy eyes'. We filmed them both looking around the camera and then during post production we sped it up and superimposed both shots. We then decided that this did not fit with our video and we cut it out. 

We also continued to fill in the blanks with the extra footage we had from the London filming sessions, we still needed to film at the aquarium therefore some blanks were not filled. This was all to get ready for our second draft which is due in Tuesday 6th.

Filming Session 10