Monday 26 September 2016

Concept Development


We chose our story line to based around a girl visiting the places she went with her boyfriend as we wanted to a small narrative, however we didn't want it to be prominent. As we chose to also flash back when she is at the certain locations, we wanted to be different and wanted an interesting idea therefore we decided to show the flashblacks in colour and the present time in black and white. This will therefore help to differentiate between the different times. 

For our props we chose to use items that are significant to the artist to show they have meaning and are of high importance to her. They are also able to be linked with the locations, for example we have a skate board at the skate park they use to go to, we also have photos of the two together these will be viewed in the comfort of her own home where she can be sentimental and sad.

The costumes we chose for the artists to wear are easily relatable for the target audience as they are generic and simple. We chose for them to be relatable as it can help them to sympathise and also picture themselves as the artist. Some of the costumes we have chosen include; ripped jeans, trainers, flannel shirts, bomber jackets and leather jackets.

The locations we have chosen again are also significant to the artists as they are places she visited with her boyfriend. We decided to do this so we could show them together and then Robyn on her own. We also chose places they visited to show she is remembering. For example, the park, skate park, the aquarium, cafe, cinema. 

For special effects we chose to use split screen, to show that they are no longer together it will also show them in different locations this will also highlight the fact they have broken up. Another special effect we decided to include is super imposition to link two different scenes and objects, in this case Robyn and Luca as they will both be lip synching. We will also be using black and white for the present time and colour for the flash backs- again this will help differentiate between the two different times. We made these decisions to be more experimental and creative, this is common of indie pop music videos as they tend to be alternative and experimental.

Friday 23 September 2016


I have been chosen to be in charge of Mise en scene for our music video, therefore I need to make sure the costume and props are in the appropriate shots and are the best quality. 

Sophie has been chosen to be the director as well as in charge of lighting, therefore she will decide whether we will use high key or low key or chiascuro lighting in each shot and she always decides what she wants Ciara to do in each scene.

Mica has been chosen to be in charge of the camera and editing, this is because her editing skills are much stronger.

Ciara has been chosen to be the performer for the music video, she was the most confident and willing to be apart of the video and will play a very convincing.

We are all well suited for our roles and believe this will help us to achieve the highest grade possible.

Thursday 22 September 2016

Industry Audience Research

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Conventions of Indie Pop Music Videos.

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Annotation of Lyrics

The visual ideas we got from the lyrics include images of the performer walking alone as she reminisces.

Our ideas follow Goodwin's Amplification idea, this is because the video is not entirely visual and doesn't reflect the lyrics. However, it does follow a small narrative as the performer makes her way to the places her and her boyfriend went.  

The overall feel of our music video is addressing isolation as she visits these places but how she is not really alone because she has these memories that she can keep with her forever and always come back to them, even though she is no longer with her boyfriend. We wanted be creative and different by making the scenes where she is visiting the places in black and white and then leaving the flashbacks in colour. This therefore highlights to the audience that she is no longer with her boyfriend and is remembering.

Chosen Song.

We have chosen the song 'Shark'by 'Oh Wonder' who are a British Indie Pop band. We have chosen this song because it fits the Indie genre, which is our chosen genre. It has also allowed us to form a simple storyline from the lyrics and the feel of the song. Some of our ideas include:
  • A girl reminiscing as she visits the places her and her lover used to go
  • Using a lot of water imagery show that the love she has for this person is very suffocating and dangerous.