Tuesday 19 July 2016

Low Budget Music Videos

Just Got Paid

This is a low budget music video has been made to look like it has a high production budget, this has been achieved by mise en scene, editing and camerawork. 

Mise en scene 
Their costume is used to make the video look like it has a high production budget as they are all wearing suits which look expensive and shows wealth. 
One of the locations is at a big house which looks expensive, this can be shown through the chandelier that can be seen hanging behind them and the elegant furniture. The other location used is the dark room with the spotlights, this is where they perform most of their dancing. It is conventional to have more than one location in music video
The lighting used also makes the video look like it has a high production budget, for example at the start of the video the spotlights come on one by one, outlining their bodies.

The music video has been edited to the beat as in time, this is common of music videos and makes it look like it has a high production value. This is because it makes it more continous.
It cuts from the different locations, the house and the hall, it also cuts between each person singing this is common of music videos therefore making it seem like it has a high budget.

 The camerawork used to make the video seem as if it had a high budget includes the over shoulder shots when they are getting ready and looking in the mirror

Close ups are used when focusing on each member, this also makes it look like it had a high budget because it is typical of common music videos.
The use of long shots also makes it seem as if it is has high production this is because it shows the entire location and surroundings, as well as the entire frame of the artists. Therefore the audience is able to see their costumes which look expensive and elegant.



 This video is also low budget but is made to look as if it had a higher budget, this has been achieved using the same elements.

Fast paced editing is used in the video to create a disoriented feel, it also makes it look like it had higher budget as it is all edited to the beat and is in time. This is common for music videos when it is done professionally. 
Superimposition has also been used as it transitions to the next shot, this again makes it looks like it had a high budget as it looks professional and creates a hectic feel. 

A variety of camera shots have been used to make the video disturbing and eerie, this also makes the video look as if it had a high budget because it looks well planned and suggests a lot of work has gone into post production. 

A long shot was used at the start of the video, this allows the viewer to see the location and get a feeling of what sort of genre the song is.

Mise en scene
The video uses low key lighting which creates a dark and sinister feel, the video does not use a proper location which suggests green screen. This therefore makes it look like it had a high production budget as it was well thought out and looks professional.
Chiascuro lighting has also been used to create shadows and again to create a creepy feel for the audience, this therefore makes the video look as if it received a high budget because it looks as though they received professional help to try get the best angles and lighting to get the right atmosphere.

My ideas 
To make my video look as if it has a high production budget I will try to film in a location which looks expensive and elegant, in order to be more professional.
I will make sure the lighting fits the genre and will try to experiment with it, for example at the start of 'Just Got Paid' they are creative in the way they use the lighting as it enters one by one.
I will make sure the editing cuts to the beat and is in time so it creates a continuous. I will also experiment with different camera shots in order to create variety but to also make it more exciting.  

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